SUBJ: life expectancy up to 120 years old!

SUBtitle: Blue Zones where people live long lives may be fiction

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SHORT NOTES: Progress in surviving chronic disease, paying attention to diet and exercise, using metformin and rapamycin, and epigenetic rejuvenation is leading to life expectancy up to 120 years old.

It appears the  Blue Zones where people live extremely long lives may be fiction, their life span is similar to others in the same country, different region.

A Streptococcus infection causes serious psychiatric illness in children that most doctors do not recognize,PANDAS and PANS;

Treatment with a combination of Doxycycline (1 μM), Azithromycin (1 μM) plus Vitamin C (250 μM) very potently inhibited breast cancer stem cell propagation by >90%;

I haven´t come across any skin cream that is able to penetrate the skin efficaciously to do what it is claimed for.


Economist 9/30 cover-Plan on Living to 120! The lead editorial explains how progress in surviving with chronic diseases, paying attention to diet and exercise, using metformin and rapamycin, and new research on epigenetic rejuvenation is leading to much longer lives.  Currently only 0.03% of people live beyond 100 years of age.  But people over 65 are increasing dramatically.

Economist, 9/30, pg 77 – Olive oil and snake oil.  It appears the  Blue Zones where people live extremely long lives may be fiction.  People in Blue Zones rarely had birth certificates, and many overestimated their ages.  Now that people with birth certificates in Blue Zones are dying, their life span is similar to others in the same country, different region.

Economist 9/23 pg 67 – A Streptococcus infection causes serious psychiatric illness that most doctors do not recognize. PANDAS and PANS are infections that half of pediatricians have not heard of.

A pilot study of the ABC trial demonstrated that Doxycycline treatment successfully decreased the expression of CSC (cancer stem cell) markers in breast cancer tumor samples. Post-doxycycline tumor samples demonstrated a statistically significant 40% decrease in the stemness marker CD44, when compared to pre-Doxycycline tumor samples [5]. Doxycycline, Azithromycin and Vitamin C (DAV): A potent combination therapy for targeting mitochondria and eradicating cancer stem cells (CSCs). Here, we devised a new strategy for eradicating cancer stem cells (CSCs), via a “synthetic-metabolic” approach, involving two FDA-approved antibiotics and a dietary vitamin supplement. This approach was designed to induce a “rho-zero-like” phenotype in cancer cells. This strategy effectively results in the synergistic eradication of CSCs, using vanishingly small quantities of two antibiotics.  Remarkably, treatment with a combination of Doxycycline (1 μM), Azithromycin (1 μM) plus Vitamin C (250 μM) very potently inhibited CSC propagation by >90%, using the MCF7 ER(+) breast cancer cell line as a model system. Finally, we also discuss possible implications for improving health-span and life-span, as Azithromycin is an anti-aging drug that behaves as a senolytic, which selectively kills and removes senescent fibroblasts.

From GRG: Skin creams: i haven´t come across any skin cream that is able to penetrate the skin efficaciously to do what it is claimed for, even with micro needling. It is superficial I am afraid. The former CSO  of arguably the biggest skin care company once told me the relatively best and at the same time cheapest so called skin cream had been from a competitor: NIVEA cream. So anybody should prove the opposite in a scientific or evident base way that is convincing.AND: as I always say. It is the individual.stupid. Each individual is different, no generalisations .

The following illustration shows why supplements and exercise to maintain mitochondrial health is vital to healthspan.  Many of the supplements I take daily are valued because they prevent mitochondrial dysfunction. Astaxanthin, BHB, Ellagaic acid, Mito-C, resveratrol, spirulina, tocotrienols, and niacin.